
Patient Centered Medical Home

What does a Patient Centered Medical Home mean for you?

How will this affect your child’s care? What can our team of health professionals do for your child? What do we expect of you as the parent?

A Patient Centered Medical Home means you are surrounded by a dedicated team of medical professionals who work together to optimize the health needs and goals of your children, our patients. These goals are achieved by using the best evidence based medicine and resources available. 

As Your Medical Home We Will:

  • Provide access to after-hours clinical advice. All patients have access to clinical advice from a pediatric triage nurse 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A pediatric physician is on call if needed.
  • Learn about you, your family, life situations, health goals and preferences.
  • Discuss treatment plans with you and answer any questions you have concerning these plans.
  • Treat both acute and short term illnesses, while also considering any chronic long term issues to ensure your child’s overall well-being.
  • Ensure that your child is current on all immunizations and preventive health screenings.
  • Coordinate your child’s care with any specialists and/or facilities as needed. This coordination includes behavioral health providers.
  • Notify you of test results in a timely manner.
  • Provide you with information concerning support groups, informational classes, and other services that can help keep you and your family safe and healthy.

We Trust That You As Our Patient/Family Will:

  • Be a partner with us for you and your child’s care.
  • Learn about your health insurance coverage and benefits.
  • Make a scheduled appointment and keep the appointment. If you are unable to make your scheduled appointment, call the day before your appointment to reschedule.
  • Arrive on time for your appointment, prepared with medication updates and any other new information and/or treatments.
  • Ask questions during your appointment and request clarification if there is anything that you do not understand.
  • Help us formulate a plan to encourage healthy living. Let us know of any obstacles you have in this plan so we can discuss solutions.
  • Take all medications and treatments as prescribed.
  • Return for all recommended visits or follow-ups.
  • Call our office with any questions you have.
  • Give us feedback to help us improve in our care.

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